Double Shuffle 5.6 metre catamaran
This design is for intermediate builders. Some boat building experience would be helpful.
This boat was designed to be built in plywood using Stitch and Glue construction
A double berth extends across the bridge deck on removable infill panels. When not in use the bedding can be folded over, panels stowed under the bedding and a seat is then available port and
starboard. A portapotti can be stowed under one of the single bunks. Plenty of stowage is available in the cabin, also room for an "esky" cooler.
The beams are timber and plywood fibreglassed. The complete boat is of legal width for trailering so no folding or assembling required. Auxiliary power is an extra long shaft outboard motor, 4 hp
mounted on a standard lifting bracket mounted on the aft beam. Double shuffle should be a handy boat for weekending/camping in sheltered waters. If kept light a small car is all that should be necessary
for towing.
Length Over All............................. 5.6m (18' 4")
Beam Over All............................... 2.48m (8' 2 ")
Width on trailer............................. 2.48 (8' 2")
Draft........................................... 250 mm - 900mm (10" - 3' 0") pivoting board
Weight (approx)............................570kg (1250#) hull, rig, motor, fuel, water etc
Sail area:
Main............................................ 9 sq m (97 sq ft)
Jib............................................... 5 sq m (54 sq ft)
Mast height.................................. 5.7m (18' 9")
Boat built by Boris in Russia.

Double Shuffle built by Keith in Florida

Buying plans
Study Plans: sent in PDF format within 24 hours. Study plans are provided to show a
dimensioned general layout and sail plan, accomodation and a basic material list. Some other details may also
be included. The boat cannot be built from the study plans but are provided for information and basic pricing.
Plans: The full plan set is required if the you want to build this boat. It contains all
the information and dimensions required. The plans are presented in PDF format. These can be printed on your home printer on
A4 size paper or sent to a photo copier to enlarge to A3 size. There are 29 drawings in PDF format emailed within
24 hours. |
Study plans $15 AUD
Full plan set $150 AUD |
DXF cutting files $60 AUD
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